Quick update here, but @potch has written a little guide that helps clarify some useful stuff to know for configuring Glitch projects, especially those in other languages: !/glitchnomicon?path=README.md:1:0

Could someone give a very simple example demonstrating how and when glitches can occur when using RX and show on the same example how and why the corresponding ReactFX solution is glitch free.

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In the context of FRP, a glitch is a temporary inconsistency in the dataflow graph. Due to the fact that updates do not happen instantaneously, but instead take time to compute, the values within an FRP system may be transiently out of sync during the update process. Furthermore, depending on the nature of the FRP system, it is possible to have nodes be updated more than once in a propagation.

First note that ReactFX is not "glitch free" out of the box, but it gives you tools to eliminate glitches. Unless you take some conscious effort to use them, ReactFX is not more glitch-free than RX (e.g. rxJava).

The techniques to eliminate glitches in ReactFX rely on the fact that event propagation is synchronous. On the other hand, event propagation in RX is always asynchronous, thus these techniques cannot be implemented in an RX system.

The reason is simple: a.CombineLatest(b, f) will react when either a or b produces a value, combining this new value and the last observed value of the other observable. This is by design, but from my experience, people using RX sometimes consider these to be glitches, especially when coming from other FRP libraries that have a different notion of "latest".

There is no obligation to link or credit the works, but if you do, please link to glitchthegame.com, our permanent "retirement" site for the game and these assets. Of course, links/shoutouts to Tiny Speck (tinyspeck.com) and/or Slack (slack.com) are appreciated.

Is it possible to properly apply the glitch filter to something like text?

I wanted to do a text transition with glitch but it still shows the glitches on the entire screen rather than just where the text is.

I suffered a lot using glitch until I came to know that glitch faces a frequent API problem. Even in one of my project my code was running fine and it was about to finish- during adding some more codes, all on a sudden my project failed, I deleted my new codes, still it failed, I rewrote the full code nothing happened to my database, I closed the project, lost the whole day, searching for problem and the next day I found the maintenance problem of glitch. I lost my patience thinking why I deleted all my code frequently and rewrote it!!!

However, I learned something more valuable from this. This will prevent me not to delete any of my code in future in any platform if I face any issue. I searched for alternative to glitch but simply give up thinking the necessity. Now I see, the users often face many issues with glitch project.

So, the 007 glitch was recently discovered and is manly used for speed runs. Basically you can bug out any machine so it thinks is has always full inputs. Also u can overclock it to 250% but it draws nearly 0 MW energy.

I'm assuming you're not just asking how to filter the glitches from the output waveform - those look like serious issues with your design that you probably need to address (and advising on that is going to be hard without any insight as to your DAC architecture). Do you have a bank of registers on your input bus? If not, that would isolate you from timing differences in changes on the bits on the DAC input - but even then you'd need to take care. Beyond that, it's just guesswork, and probably reading some literature on DAC designs would be wise.

The largest glitches are present at the major code transitions in your binary DAC. Specifically, note they occur at times of 16 sec, 32 sec, and 48 sec. These are all times where the binary code undergoes a high-order bit transition:

Hence, although a binary DAC is attractive from an area and implementation perspective, the topology is rarely used for DACs of any significant size. Often a DAC is designed using one or more thermometer coded sub DACs to eliminate or minimize monotonicity and glitch isses. The use of a thermometer code eliminates the code dependent glicthes as only a single bit its turned on or off at any given code transition. You may need to include a binary to thermometer converter if the digital interface must be binary coded. Its logic must be synchronized to make sure the propagation delays for any code transition are very well matched.

Has anyone seen something like this before? Out of 40-something shots taken with my Canon 5d Mark III, this one randomly glitched out. Just curious if anyone else has seen something like this and if so, do you know what caused it? All the other images were perfectly fine.

The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists: we are connected all the time. How do we find out who we are within this digital era? Where do we create the space to explore our identity? How can we come together and create solidarity? 

The glitch is often dismissed as an error, a faulty overlaying, but, as Legacy Russell shows, liberation can be found within the fissures between gender, technology and the body that it creates. The glitch offers the opportunity for us to perform and transform ourselves in an infinite variety of identities. In Glitch Feminism, Russell makes a series of radical demands through memoir, art and critical theory, and the work of contemporary artists who have travelled through the glitch in their work. 

Timely and provocative, Glitch Feminism shows how the error can be a revolution.

Can you guess the evidence from the clues, knowing one of them is glitched? If so, you reveal the next letter in the password to your evidence locker! If not, the opponent who glitched your clues gets the next letter in their password. The first team to guess all of their passwords wins!

I have turned autosave off and not seen this issue come back until I installed SU on a new computer and I forgot to change the autosave settings. I got the funky geometry glitch again, but only lost 20 minutes of work. The worst part of all this is autosave is not a feature anymore.

In this brief, we estimate that 5.1 million people fall into the family glitch. A majority of them are children, and among adults, women are more likely to fall into the glitch than men. We explore demographic characteristics of people who fall into the family glitch, present state-level estimates, and discuss how many people may benefit from policies aimed at addressing the family glitch. While estimates of the cost of eliminating the family glitch are beyond the scope of this analysis, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has previously projected it would cost the federal government $45 billion over 10 years. Our estimate includes people with incomes above 400% of poverty, who are temporarily eligible for Marketplace financial assistance under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) passed in March 2021.

In total, we find more than 5.1 million people fall in the ACA family glitch. The vast majority of those who fall in the glitch, 4.4 million people (85%), are currently enrolled through employer-sponsored health insurance. These families are likely spending far more for health insurance coverage than individuals with similar incomes eligible for financial assistance on the ACA Marketplaces and could spend less on premiums if they could enroll in Marketplace plans and qualify for subsidies. One study estimated that those who fall into the family glitch are spending on average 15.8% of their incomes on employer-based coverage.

Of the remaining people who fall into the family glitch, 315,000 people (6% of those falling in the family glitch) are currently buying unsubsidized individual market coverage and 451,000 people (9%) do not have any health insurance.

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) recently passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden in March 2021 does not address the family glitch, but it does include provisions temporarily extending the ACA subsidy eligibility beyond 400% of poverty in 2021 and 2022. The bill also increases the affordability of Marketplace coverage by reducing premium contribution requirements for people already eligible for subsidies. ARPA limits Marketplace premium contributions for eligible people to 8.5% of income, which is well below the contributions people in the family glitch are expected to pay toward employer-based coverage (above 9.83% of income). These provisions only last through the 2022 plan year, but at least for that period, a policy fix to the family glitch would extend subsidy eligibility to virtually all the 5.1 million people who fall in the glitch.

However, even if the family glitch is addressed, unless Congress extends the ARPA subsidies beyond 2022, the roughly 1.1 million people who fall into the family glitch and have incomes above 400% of poverty would no longer be eligible for subsidies starting in 2023.

The vast majority (94%) of those who fall into the family glitch are in better health (self-reported as being in good, very good, or excellent health). A similar share of people currently purchasing health coverage directly in the individual market (94%) are in better health. Therefore, the individual market risk pool may remain unchanged or even benefit if these individuals who are currently in employer-sponsored coverage or uninsured were to shift to enrolling through the Marketplaces. The ACA requires that individual market premiums be based on the average cost of insuring consumers in the market and region. If a number of healthy people who currently fall into the family glitch instead were to get insurance through the Marketplaces, the average cost of insuring individual market consumers could decrease, having a downward effect on premiums, all else being equal.

The ACA made insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for millions of people. However, 30 million Americans remain uninsured and millions more underinsured people struggle with the cost of premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. President Biden campaigned on building on the ACA and addressing affordability of coverage more broadly. Although not as ambitious as his campaign pledge to remove the firewall between employer coverage and the Marketplaces altogether, a fix to the family glitch could improve the affordability of health coverage for millions of people. ff782bc1db

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