[Ferran Sayol, Ph.D.]

Hello, my name is Ferran Sayol and I am currently a La Caixa Junior Leader research fellow at CREAF, in Barcelona.

In my lab, we try to understand how biological diversity is generated and distributed, and how it could be affected by anthropogenic impacts. Our main focus of study are animals, mainly birds and mammals. 

We combine different approaches, including measurements at Natural History collections, compilation of global datasets, phylogenetic comparative analysis and camera-trap surveys from citizen science projects.

Check my main research lines below and the list of my publications here

Main research lines:

Biodiversity loss

We explore human impact on animal biodiversity and its ecological consequences.

Ecological niche

How ecological niches can affect species coexistence and tolerance to human impact ?

Behavioural flexibility

How behavioural flexibility can help animals to deal with environmental challenges ?

Contact / Profiles

Ferran Sayol, PhD

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF)

Edifici C, Campus de Bellaterra (UAB) · 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès

Mail: f.sayol@creaf.uab.cat

Twitter: @FerranSayol

ORCID: (0000-0003-3540-7487)

Research Gate