
Fernridge; a school that nurtures curiosity

Our Vision and Values

Fernridge; A School that nurtures curiosity!

Knowledge:  Fill our Kete with knowledge

Opportunity:  Make the most of every opportunity to do your best

Respect:  Be Respectful and Responsible 

Understanding:  Understand the differences in others  

We are a contributing school located 5 minutes out of Masterton.  We are a Learner centred school where we utilise Play Based learning and STEM to provide authentic learning opportunities for our students.  We have 8 Learner Qualities which lead our learning.  These were developed with students from across the Masterton School cluster.  We empower our students to be Self Directed with their learning.

What will I see?

Open environment, lots of little areas set up for groups of learners, lots of hands on areas designed for play and interaction of children. A large componet will be outside making the most of our school environment.

You will see groups working with adults doing learning, playing together and interacting with oral language and problem solving. Teachers will be roving and engaging in conversations with learners. Children will be making choices and managing self and using all the Learner Qualities.

What will I hear?

Children talking to other children and then talking with adults. I will hear problem solving words and conversations. I will hear teachers calling for children to come and do some learning. I hear lots of positive praise and feedback. I hear voices talking about the learning and children talking about how proud they are about the Learner Qualities that they are using.

What will it feel like?

It will feel busy but engaged. It will feel safe and mindful. It will feel positive and warm and focused.

We are members of the Whakaoriori Kāhui Ako.  Here is a link to the website to find out what is going on

Spotlight on Learning:

Here are some of our information posters of what and how things work at Fernridge School


Phone: 06 378 6535 264  |  Upper Plain Road, RD8 Masterton 5888, New Zealand  |   Email: office@fernridge.school.nz