
I am Assistant Professor at  Department of Applied Economics, Public Economics and Political Economy of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Previously, I was University Assistant (Postdoc) at Department of Government of the University of Vienna (UniVie) and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). I received my PhD in Social Sciences from the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) in December 2022.

My main research interests are in political economy and political geography, focusing on voting behavior, public goods provision, and historical legacies. In my dissertation, I explore how exposure to voting modifies electoral behavior in the short and long term, affecting turnout and party choice, and how the unequal access to public services increased with decentralization produces the emergence of new parties, including the far right.

I hold an M.A. in Social Sciences from Carlos III-Juan March Institute (IC3JM) and an M.A. in Geographic Information System (GIS) from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).  I have been a Visting Research Fellow at the University of Vienna (UniVie), a Visiting Doctoral Researcher at the European University Institute (EUI) and research assistant for New York University-Abu Dhabi (NYU-AD). 

Research Interest:



Peer Reviewed

with Francisco Villamil, Paloma Aguilar and Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca

Working papers

Fernando De la Cuesta

Fernando De la Cuesta

Joaquín Artés, Ignacio Jurado, Fernando De la Cuesta

Beatriz Rodríguez-Sánchez, Fernando De la Cuesta, Rubén Gonzálvez, Joaquín Artés


European University Institute (EUI)

Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS)

Unleashing the Potential of Geography Information Systems (GIS).  Spring term, 2024

University of Vienna (UniVie)

Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences 

Unleashing the Potential of Geography in Social Sciences: An Introduction to GIS with R.  Spring term, 2023

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)


Advanced Research Methods. M.A. in Social Sciences, Carlos III-Juan March Institute (IC3JM). Fall term, 2020, 2021 & 2022

Electoral Geography. M.A. en Análisis Político y Electoral, Carlos III-Juan March Institute (IC3JM). Spring term, 2022, 2023 & 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)


Introduction to Economics.  Fall term, 2022 & 2024

Spanish Fiscal System.  Spring term, 2023



2021-2024: ”Political Geography, Public Policy and Business Activity”, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. P.I.: Ignacio Jurado (UC3M) & Joaquín Artés (UCM)

2021-2024: ”The Rural-Urban Divide in the Spanish Context and Beyond”, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. P.I.: Pedro Riera (UC3M)

2021-2022: ”The Long-term Determinants of Spanish Civil War”, Spanish Ministry of Presidency and Democratic Memory. P.I.: Paloma Aguilar (UNED)

2017-2021: ”Political Geography, Electoral Behavior and Public Policy”, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. P.I.: Joaquín Artés (UCM)


2022-2023: "Clases invertidas y gamificación de asignaturas de Introducción a la Economía" (2022 - 2023) 


Data Analysis: Stata and R

Data Visualisation: Stata and R

Spatial Data: ArcGIS, GeoDa, R and QGIS

Spatial Processing: ArcGIS, Python/ArcPy and R

Digitilization Process: Abby Fine Reader

Assistant Professor

Department of Applied Economics, Public Economics and Political Economy, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)