Welcome to my site!

I'm Ferley,  a fifth year PhD student in economics at Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. Aspiring experimental economist hoping to improving the lives of people with fewer opportunities.

I am doing experiments to understand workers' behaviors in a labor market with high inequality and informality.

 You can contact me at heiner.rincon[at]urosario.edu[dot]co 

Lines of Research

Below please find the projects I am working on. Please click on the images to see my research 

From School to Work: wishes.

[Occupational Aspirations]


10. Reduced Inequalities

👩🏽‍💻 Prototype: Global Online Coding Competition

 Dual Labor Market: perceptions.

[Online Productivity]

-Early adulthood-

8. Decent work and Economic Growth.

👩🏽‍💻 Design: Massive Open Online Courses

One-day Jobs: choices.

[Information processing]


3. Good Health and Well-Being.

👩🏽‍💻Understand: Massive Online Choice Experiments

Women's labor supply: expectations.

[Collective Care]

-Old age-

5. Gender Equality.

👩🏽‍💻Pilot: Open Source Artificial Intelligence Software