Accepted publications

  • Bouhadjera F. , Ould Saïd E. & Remita M.R. (2021). Strong consistency of the nonparametric local linear regression estimation under censorship model. Communication in statistics : Theory and Practice. [DOI]

  • Benrabah O. , Bouhadjera F. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Local linear estimation of the regression function for twice censored data. Statistical Papers. [DOI]

  • Bouhadjera F. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Asymptotic normality of the relative error regression function estimator for censored time series data. Dependence Modeling. [DOI]

  • Bouhadjera F. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Nonparametric local linear estimation of the relative error regression function for twice censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters. [DOI]

  • Bouhadjera F. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Relative error prediction: Strong uniform consistency for censoring time series model. Communication in Statistics : Theory and Methods. [DOI]

Under revision

  • Bouhadjera F. , Lemdani M. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Strong uniform consistency of the local linear relative error regression estimator under left truncation. Statistical Papers.

  • Bouhadjera F. & Ould Saïd E. (2021). Nonparametric local linear estimation of the relative error regression function for censorship model. Opuscula Mathematica.

Work in progress

  • Bouhadjera F. , Baragatti M., Hilgert N. , Smits N. & Grollemund P.M. Bayesian linear functional regression estimation. Extension to scalar and categorical covariates.

PhD Thesis

  • Estimation non paramétrique de la fonction de régression pour des données censurées : méthodes locale linéaire et erreur relative. [PDF]

Oral presentations

  • Consortuim Phenodyn, November 29th 2021, Inrae, Montpellier (France).

  • Team seminar (IMAG), October 18th 2021, Montpellier (France).

  • Team seminar (LAMAV), May 6th 2021, Valencienne (France).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Paul Painlevé), March 2021, Lille (France).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Statistique et Optimisation), March 2021, Toulouse (France).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Probab. Statist. et Appli.), Febrary 2021, Poitiers (France).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Statist. ), Febrary 2021, Strasbourg (France).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Probab. Statist. et Appli.), January 2021, Alger (Algérie).

  • Seminar of Ph.D students (IMAG), October 2019, Montpellier (France).

  • 13th Nord-Pas-de-Calais doctoral meeting in mathematics, September 2019, Lens (France).

  • International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications, April 2019, Rabat (Maroc).

  • Team seminar (LMPA), March 2019, Calais (France).

  • Young researchers' days (LaPS), December 2018, Annaba (Algérie).

  • Team seminar (Labo. Probab. Statist. et Appli.), December 2018, Alger (Algérie).

  • Seminar of Ph.D students (LMPA), November 2018, Calais (France).

  • 1st edition of the national doctorial conference in mathematics, October 2017, Constantine (Algérie).

  • International conference on the evolution of the contemporary mathematics and its impact on science and technology, October 2017, Constantine (Algérie).

Workshops and conferences attended

  • JES, Missing data, November 2021, Fréjus (France).

  • 51th Days of Statistics, June 2021, Nancy, (France).

  • Rencontres doctorales Lebesgues, October 2018, Brest (France).

  • 12th Nord-Pas-de-Calais doctoral meeting in mathematics, September 2018, Lille (France).