MISTEA Laboratory, INRAE Univ. Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala34060, Montpellier CEDEX 2, France
Phone : +33 4 99 61 25 40Mail: feriel.bouhadjera[@] inrae [DOT] fr

I am a Postdoctoral researcher in Statistics at MISTEA laboratory and I work with Meili Baragatti, Nadine Hilgert, Nathalie Smits and Paul-Marie Grollemund.

I did my Phd in the LMPA laboratory at Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale under the supervision of Elias Ould Said and Riad M. Remita. The title of my PhD thesis is : Nonparametric estimation of the regression function for censored data: local linear and relative error methods.

Prior to the current position, I worked as a teaching and research associate at University of Lille. I was assigned to Paul Painlevé laboratory and I am currently working with Sophie Dabo-Niang.

Research interests

  • Nonparametric and parametric statistics

  • Regression estimation

  • Survival analysis

  • Bayesian statistics

  • Functional, dependent and missing data

  • Applied Statistics