Welcome to Fergus Falls!

Clan Capital Progress: 83% Complete

Represented Countries




South Africa


United Kingdom

United States


Members of Fergus Falls are expected to show Honor and Respect towards others at all times, and to put the needs of the clan and other members before themselves. Fergus Falls members are typically students and working adults who enjoy gaming at a casual, yet consistent pace. We are not an “elitist” clan nor require our members to advance themselves with financial means. Our goals may be high in what we want to build, but we will obtain these goals through our time-proven method: honest and honorable means through a dedicated, family oriented clan.

Honor, Respect, Fairness, and Teamwork are the center of our structure. We work to advance the clan as a whole, for the sum of the parts is always stronger. Fergus Falls seeks to build a strong membership base within the game we play. 

We believe that membership is a two way street. New recruits must take a look at our rules and processes to determine if this clan is right for them, and in turn, we need to find out if they are a good fit in our ranks. Being a Fergus Falls member requires integrity, morals, ethics, and honesty. We value every member like a member of our own family. We are not selfish and are all willing to help one another out before we ask for help ourselves.