
Fergus Falls values Honor, Respect, and Teamwork and by extension; Integrity, Morals, Ethics and Honesty. This should give a reasonable indication of what is, and is not allowed. We strive to conduct ourselves using these values. Membership in Fergus Falls is a privilege, not a right. Membership can be revoked if leadership feels it is in our best interest. Anyone carrying our clan banner is expected to follow the rules and respect the spirit of the clan charter.

Honor and Respect your clanmates and treat them as you would your family.

Fergus Falls has endured because of its diligent leadership and promotion of a fun and respectful gaming environment. That being said, each and every member needs to remember that such an environment does not happen by mistake; it’s the result of each person being responsible for their actions and following the below rules and guidelines.


The purpose of this page is to lay out clearly defined rules and expected behavior for all members. While not every situation can be specifically detailed, these rules and guidelines should outline the type of behavior that is, and is NOT allowed in the clan at any given time.

Core Rules

a single violation may lead to clan or discord removal or, at the very least, disciplinary action

Basically, if you can get your account suspended or banned for it, you will most likely get kicked out of the clan for it (or suspended/banned on our discord).

Basic Rules

a core ideal of the clan; violation of a rule can lead to disciplinary action or eventual clan or discord removal

Fergus Falls members should respect the rights of others and their right to play the game how they choose. No Drama!


encouraged behavior that is in line with the image that Fergus Falls wishes to project

Fergus Falls will continue to strive and provide multiple ways for our members to communicate and remain up to date.

While you carry our clan banner, you are our representative. Fergus Falls has always maintained an image of friendly professionalism that has earned the respect of other clans and players. Our members are fiercely loyal, and Fergus Falls is a clan you can be proud to be a part of and will hopefully be the last clan you will ever want to join. Your actions in-game are representative of Fergus Falls at all times. It goes without saying that racial comments and certain political and religious topics should be avoided in both the clan chat and discord chat. We trust you to use your better judgment and common sense in dealing with others in the game. Keep in mind that your actions, both positive AND negative, reflect Fergus Falls as a whole and could adversely affect our reputation within the gaming community as a whole.

If your real life family member asks for assistance, and you are not busy, you would normally help. The same applies to Fergus Falls, as we are like a family. We wish to discourage the formation of cliques that will only assist members of their group. Get to know everyone and help them out. Donating troops, offering advice, welcoming new members, base design organization, tactical advice and guidance are but some of the things that you can do the help out your clan. Since we are a clan, we hope that you will participate and push together as a clan for a common purpose before farming.

We all have real lives outside the game, so we know that things come up, get in the way, or sometimes take you right out of the game. As such, we would appreciate any notification should you be unable to attend a scheduled event that you committed to, or if you need to take a hiatus for any reason. Members that are inactive for a set amount of time may be removed from the clan. Members returning from their hiatus will be judged on a case by case basis based on their time and participation invested.

We have created an environment where you can look forward to sitting down after work or school and relaxing with friends. However, there will always be an opportunity for disagreement, and we understand that sometimes not everyone will get along. If you have an issue with someone, address it and get it resolved, or bring it to the Leader’s or Co-Leader’s attention. The Leader or Co-Leader will do their best to close the issue, but in some cases, disciplinary action may be taken.

Continuous need for leadership intervention or issues severe enough may deem that a member be removed from the clan completely. Only the Leader or Co-Leader can remove an elder or member on the spot, and only then in severe circumstances in which they must be able to back up their decision.  Elders are permitted to remove Members if they have violated our ethics and code of conduct.

Clan leadership highly encourages input from it’s members at all times. If you have a question, a concern, or even a better way to do something please don’t hesitate to contact the Leader or any Co-Leader. We want to hear from you and we don’t want problems to go unresolved as this leads to rumors and hard feelings. Leadership may not always be able to correct an issue right away, but know that all of us will always listen and work to make your experience with this clan a memorable one.