Feotec Privacy Policy

Feotec does not share any data from any user. It does not work with others to share data. It does not sell any data.

Some Feotec apps utilize Google Analytics to collect anonymous data, such as the number of times the app is started and how often different features are used. It is collected by Google and stored on Google servers. It is used by Feotec to determine which features are popular with users and which are not. No personally identifiable data is collected and no usage data is passed to any third party, including advertisers.

Every user has the right to opt-out of data collection. At startup, a window is always displayed with a "View EULA" button. Choose that button and the End User License Agreement can be viewed. If this app utilizes Google Analytics then the OPT-OUT button will be at the bottom of this window.

For more information Email privacy@feotec.com.

Google Analytics privacy policy is here https://policies.google.com/privacy .