On the Move


We are happy to announce that we will be moving to another site.

We have kind of outgrown this area and have exhausted the capability of the platform and we are not so official with the link no showing properly however that has not stopped us from growing in our ability to provide such for you as a reader. We strive to provide more, as such we want to show more.

Here is the outline for how things will be changing.

While the domain you have come to know will be staying the same, we will be making some changes on how we allow our visitors and members the experience to see how we work. Yes we know, we have been quite silent on our blog or social media from where we have posted to in the past, however, we plan to make this a one stop shop for all of your information instead of having multiple links leading to separate sites. Granted, it has been working, and it has been working too well for where we have gone silent without any changes.

I myself have noticed the site was not loading effectively for what is all being done here. It is clunky and some features are kind of broken or not in full view for our mobile members and it has been a long time coming to make it better. This has been the best two years being grown from the ground up.

One of the other changes are for our members who want something more. We will be working on a members only (sign up required) area of the site. Don't worry, we won't be making you have to go through a pay wall or a subscription service like most sites do, however it will be for more upcoming features that we will be expanding towards.

There are also some other things that have not been so official while this site has been running. As I am still new to site management and development and I have been lacking special media for which will be fixed in the coming months before the official move. Content is our game, writing is our skill, and bringing you the best experience is our goal!

Join us as we continue to grow in our writing and work towards a common goal to bring you the best experience on however you view the site or it's content. We want to thank you for your patience as we put our ducks in a row and we put it all together.

To see an example of how things might look follow this link.

We would appreciate that you not sign up early as this is an AS IS example for what to expect. If you sign up before the time of completion we have the right to remove such users and or members. Please be courteous and not encourage our paws to remove our work to the public for others that want to know more and where we are moving to.

Thank you.