About me
I am an associate professor of finance (with tenure) at the Cox School of Business of the Southern Methodist University. Before joining SMU, I worked for ten years (2011-2021) in the University of Utah as an associate (with tenure) / assistant professor of finance.
My research interests are in the areas of long-run event studies, corporate decisions, and asset pricing. My work has been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Critical Finance Review, and the Journal of Corporate Finance.
My research has also been featured in numerous media reports including the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Time Magazine, CNBC, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, BBC World Radio, Fox News, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and Telegraph.
Associate Professor of Finance | Corrigan Research Professor
Cox School of Business | Southern Methodist University
Email: fengzhang @ smu dot edu