Design, Fabrication, and Metrology (DF-AM) Laboratory

Our lab specializes in Design, Fabrication, and Metrology aimed at advancing infrastructures such as Internet of Things, Carbon Neutral, and CHIPS and Science Act. The applications includes but not limited to 1) design: 5G/6G communication devices, fatigue test for drill pipes, flexible electronics scale-up processes, and flexible objectives manipulating robots; 2) fabrication: scalable manufacturing of flexible electronics and self-assembly technologies; 3) metrology: monitoring methods for roll-to-roll and 3D printing processes, full-field non-destructive evaluation (NDE) for rotating blades, and diagnosis of animal physiological parameters, etc.


Graduate/ undergraduate students interested in image processing, vibrations, solid mechanics, and/ or heat transfer on their applications in advanced manufacturing, smart pharmacy packaging, mechanical design, and/ or metrology are encouraged to contact Dr. Feng (please send your CV along with all transcripts via email, and indicate your specific interest in projects or areas). Experience in linear algebra, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and/ or coding software is typically preferred.

Currently, we have the following open research projects available:

1) vibration based inverse design (experience in vibration is preferred);

2) roll-to-roll web wrinkling analysis (experience in vibration is preferred).

Latest News

May 8, 2024: Garcia, Alan finished his Bachelor degree. Villegas, Charles and Chen, Sean join the group for their undergraduate researches.

Mar. 6, 2024: Zhao, Ziyuan, a new Ph.D. student will join in the Fall 2024, visits the campus and give a presentation to the current Lab members.

Jan. 25, 2024: After a three-year journey, our two patents for measuring roll-to-roll web tension distribution have gone through all the processes and finally been published.

Jan. 16, 2023: Gandreddi, Sai Manohar, Shreshth, Adarsh Shree, and Vadapally, Krishna Sai join the group for their graduate researches; Chen, Siya and Cuellar, Ryan join the group for their undergraduate researches.

Nov. 1, 2023: Our paper with Applied Materials and Purdue University is officially published.

August 21, 2023: Youlton, Bianca and Garcia, Alan join the group for their undergraduate researches.

August 2, 2023: Zhang, Zhendi returns back from industry for his graduate research.

June 1, 2023: Viergutz, Mason and Sandidge, Luke join the group for their undergraduate researches.

May 31, 2023: Shipp, Ryan from Case Western Reserve University visits the group from May 31, 2023 to August 2, 2023 as an NSF supported REU student.

September 13, 2022: Li, Yangyuan joins the group for his graduate research.

August 16, 2022: Dr. Feng, Dan establishes the Design, Fabrication, and Metrology (DF-AM) Laboratory at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.