Emmy Johanna Francina Kroon 

25 februari 1989 - 31 juli 2020

💜My wife, My very best friend, My Queen💜

Femicide / Feminicide: Used as a term for killing a woman or girl simply for being a woman. Recently, this term has been used not only for murder/manslaughter but often also to describe a hate crime against women. Consider stalking by a (former) partner or family member, but also sexual abuse or human trafficking cases. The term femicide is becoming increasingly broader. In fact, you can talk about crimes against women simply because they are women.

Welcome to Project FEMMYcide

A project that was created after the gruesome and very violent murder of my life partner Emmy on July 31, 2020. From this day on, all the misery started. It is very difficult when you suddenly lose someone you love and adore so much. That you will never see, hear, smell or message that person again. That the future you envisioned suddenly no longer exists. It becomes even worse when someone else makes the choice to end that person's life. That your loved one experienced a lot of fear, pain and sadness in the last minutes and seconds of his or her life. To have your life ended in a horrible way by someone you trusted and cared about. Emmy was killed in a very gruesome manner and with very brutal violence. Emmy had 12 stab wounds, 18 lacerations and her throat was slit from ear to ear and down to her spine.

Emmy had 2 bachelor's degrees in Psychology and was almost finished with her Master's degree in Forensic Criminology. She was never allowed to complete her master's degree. Emmy wanted to pursue a Masters in Clinical Psychology. And then continued as a Mental Health Psychologist. Through her employer Middin, (where she worked for more than ten years with people with acquired brain injuries), she was able to do an internal internship. She was very proud of that. She loved her work and her clients.

Her most precious possession taken in a few minutes and multiple lives completely destroyed by one person. The loss of my partner and my very best friend has left a significant trauma. I can't get rid of the image of my severely mutilated partner during the farewell. Fortunately, we were able to see her again and say goodbye. She lay in state in the most beautiful dress she owned. Her future black/purple wedding dress. She should have worn that dress on the most beautiful day of her, of our lives. Not before her farewell. Her father should have had the option to give away his only daughter to her future husband. Did Emmy have the right to be a wonderful mother to our future daughter Elizabetha.

In most cases, the perpetrator of femicide is the (ex) partner or a family member. For convenience, we can say that the perpetrator is often known to the victim. This is also the case with Emmy. And yet, despite the fact that the surviving relatives know the suspect and the victim best, they are not legally parties to the proceedings. They are not allowed and cannot submit research requests. Only the suspect can do this through his counsel or wife or the Public Prosecutor at first instance (court) or the Advocate General on appeal (court of appeal).

When you are on this side of the law, you notice that so many things are wrong. That our policymakers and legislators have not thought it through properly. What you simply don't expect from a country like the Netherlands. Of course, what is mentioned here is only part of the issues that need to be addressed. Things that we want to address and change as much as possible. It is time that not only suspects and perpetrators have a voice, but victims and surviving relatives also have a voice and are heard. But above all, that victims and surviving relatives are treated better than is currently the case and that more is done to prevent victims.

You often hear that various authorities are already aware of, for example, stalking by a (ex) partner or violence against the victim. There is often not a good response or matters are not registered properly. Various agencies work at cross purposes. If you look at recent cases, there have often been reports that were not responded to properly. What if this was done now? Would the outcome be different? Femicide is not something from a certain culture. It happens to everyone regardless of color, religion, beliefs, age, etc.

Links to websites with news reports about the murder of Emmy Kroon.

2020:                                                                                     2021:                                                       

AD.nl - 31 juli 2020 - Video                                                Het krantje - 15 oktober 2021                                              

Hart van Nederland - 31 juli 2020 - Video                        Voorburgs Dagblad - 28 oktober 2021                            

Regio15.nl - 31 juli 2020 - Video                                        Leidschendam/Voorburg.TV - 28 oktober 2021                        

AD.nl - 31 juli 2020                                                             Het Krantje online - 29 oktober 2021                                

Stentor - 31 juli 2020                                                                                                                                                      

Moordatlas - 31 juli 2020                                                     2023:                                                                                 

Telegraaf.nl - 31 juli 2020 Ad.nl - 19 oktober 2023                    

Voorburgs Dagblad - 1 augustus 2020                            Het Krantje online - 20 oktober 2023                                 

Voorburgs Dagblad - 2 augustus 2020                           Voorburgs Dagblad - 11 november 2023                           

Omroep West - 5 november 2020                                   Diekstra en van der Laan advocaten - 11 november 2023

Links to websites with news items and information about Femicide.

Support the FEMMYcide project with a donation so that we can make the project even bigger. Share our project in your network or wherever you can. In addition to being a donor, become an ambassador and help us achieve more rights and change for (future) victims, surviving relatives and loved ones. Pay more attention to your fellow man, do you suspect something, do you perhaps know something about a case? please report this immediately!! Thank you for your support on behalf of all (future) victims, relatives and loved ones.

Would you like to help me draw as much attention to the project as possible? By supporting the project and sharing as much as possible in your network and in groups on social media. For the project we are looking for donors who want to make a donation to keep the project affordable and portable.

We are looking for ambassadors who will stand together and fight for justice and adjustment within the EU, the State, the government, the judiciary, the Justice Department and the Public Prosecution Service, the police and criminal investigation department, institutions and also among the people themselves. 

Let us work together to ensure that victims retain their voice and name and do not become case numbers. My Emmy is Emmy Johanna Francina Kroon and not Delta-20 as the file is called. It is time that in the judiciary we not only give our loved ones a voice in the right to speak, but also a face!

By setting up the project and ensuring changes and adjustments in legislation and regulations, the death of Emmy and the deaths of many others was not in vain. 

💜For you, my wife, my very best friend, my Queen💜

What are things that I have experienced from the court hearing? What have I experienced with other relatives? What needs to be adjusted in the current system? What can or should be changed or adjusted?

Signature actions for changes in legislation and regulations

Petition for affection damages for (step)brothers and (step)sistersÂ