Feminity Dance Centre

"Every woman should dance"

Dancing is a great way to analyse your connection with your body and to improve it. For every woman this connection is crucial. Unfortunately we often deny our body, hate it, compare it with others, jump into strict self-control (diet, heavy training) or the opposite (overeating and zero physical activity due to several factors as depression, lack of motivation).

As a result, our body gets weak, literally sad and not healthy. The more connection you have with your body, the smaller the chance you get into these troubles. Dancing has all the tools for you to keep this contact and make it stronger. All it takes is to take the first step and fall in love with yourself while dancing.

"This is who I am and what drives me"

My name is Ekaterina and I am in love with dancing and everything about it.
I started dancing as a kid, but did´t get a chance to attend a dancing school then. Luckily my passion just got stronger with years. When the opportunity came I could start taking dance classes, practice, explore and start the first group as a teacher. With my 10 years experience of teaching, I continue to teach beautiful ladies how to dance with love. Sensuality and feminine vibes are the main attributes of my classes.

"My classes are authentic"

My approach to dancing is more intuitional and creative than academic. My goal is to learn how to reach freedom, body relaxation, inner harmony and stress relief through dancing. I enjoy watching how my students are changing, how they take new dance challenges, getting to know themselves. Dancing is more than just the moves. It is the deep therapy leading you to the highest levels of pleasure, joy, development and harmony. Did you know that the less tension in your muscles - the easier the energy gets inside you, your body and your life? The faster you get the results you want. Dancing can help you with your relationships, your career, your creativity, your health, your dreams and more. Much more.