Quilt Project

Our 2019 Project

In 2019, the Feminist Caucus assembled fabric squares, fabric markers, and embroidery materials to make available at the convention to support the second year of our quilt project. We invited participants at our various connected events (Business Meeting, all-convention event, SIG, Feminist Workshop) to use the markers or embroidery hoops and thread to capture their convention experience on a square. With the help of a CCCC Local Outreach grant, we collaborated with The Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse (PCCR) to support documenting our experience of the conference in Pittsburgh and our embrace of greater sustainability - for the caucus, for the organization, and for our work as educators. PCCR both “operate[s] a non-traditional art supply shop,” and “educates the public about the benefits of reuse for the environment, community, and self.” The PCCR helped to curate materials for our project, and worked side-by-side with FC leaders to help conference participants develop quilt squares at our makerspace table by our quilt display.

Our 2018 Quilt Project

As part of the Feminist Caucus's efforts at the 2018 convention, we participated in the annual C's the Day event that invites attendees to undertake particular activities or challenges. Completing the challenges earns participants a "sparkle pony" pin. One of the challenges was to use fabric markers or embroidery tools or other crafty items to create a decorative quilt square, with commemorative words or images capturing the participant's conference experience. The squares were assembled into a commemorative quilt.