
December 4th 

(2pm Pacific)

Jeff Mermin (Oklahoma State)


November 13th, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Srikanth Iyengar (Utah)


October 2nd, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Craig Huneke (University of Virginia)

Linkage and Licci Ideals

Abstract and video - notes

September 4th, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Michael Perlman (Minnesota)

Local cohomology, D-modules, and Schubert varieties

Abstract and video - notes

May 27th, 2024

(11am Pacific)

Marc Chardin (Institut Mathématique de Jussieu)

Schemes in products of projective spaces

Abstract and video 

April 29th, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Claudia Miller (Syracuse University)

The bar resolution and what to do with it

Abstract and video 

March 25th, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Linquan Ma (Purdue)

Lech's inequality and stability of local rings

Abstract and video 

March 4th, 2024

(10am Pacific)

Keri Ann Sather-Wagstaff (Clemson University)

Codeword Ideals

Abstract and video 

 January 29th, 2024

(2pm Pacific)

Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster University)

Recent results on geometrically vertex decomposable ideals

Abstract and video - notes

 November 27th, 2023

(2pm Pacific)

Alessio Sammartano (Politecnico di Milano)

Cartwright-Sturmfels ideals and smooth Hilbert scheme

Abstract and video

October 30th, 2023

(4pm Pacific)Note:  Different  time

Ngo Viet Trung (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)

Regularity functions of graded ideals

Abstract and video 

October 2nd, 2023

(2pm Pacific)

Alexandra Seceleanu (University of Nebraska)

Principal symmetric ideals

Abstract and video 

August 28th, 2023

(2pm Pacific)

Keller VandeBogert (Notre Dame)

Stable Sheaf Cohomology on Flag Varieties

Abstract and video 

July 28th, 2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Xianglong Ni (UC Berkeley)

Perfect ideals of grade three with small Betti numbers

Abstract and video 

June 23rd, 2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Jakub Witaszek (Princeton)

Splinters in mixed characteristic via the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Abstract and video 

May 26th, 2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Monica Lewis (University of Minnesota)

Finiteness properties of local cohomology in characteristic p > 0

Abstract and video - notes part 1 - notes part 2 

April 28th, 2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Karen E. Smith (University of Michigan)

Values of the F-pure threshold for homogeneous polynomials

Abstract and video 

March 24th  2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Špela Špenko (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

The Frobenius morphism in invariant theory

Abstract and video 

March 3rd  2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Jan Draisma (Universität Bern)

New instances of equivariant Noetherianity

Abstract and video 

Jan. 27th  2023

(1:30pm Pacific)

Matt Mastroeni (Iowa State University)

Chow rings of matroids are Koszul

Abstract and video - notes

Dec. 12th  2022

(1pm Pacific)

Janet Page (North Dakota State University)

Extremal Surfaces in Positive Characteristic

Abstract and video - notes 

Nov. 7th  2022

(1pm Pacific)

Kriti Goel (University of Utah)

Hilbert-Kunz function and Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of ideals and Rees algebras

Abstract and video - notes

Oct. 17th 2022

(1pm Pacific)

 Joshua Pollitz (University of Utah)

Cohomological support varieties and their applications

Abstract and video - notes

Apr. 26th 2022

(1pm Pacific)

 Mauricio Velasco (Universidad de los Andes)

Nonnegative polynomials on low-dimensional varieties

Abstract and video - notes

Apr. 12th 2022

(4pm Pacific)

Kenta Sato (Kyushu University)

Deformation of klt singularities

Abstract, video, and notes 

Mar. 29th 2022

(1pm Pacific)

Hang (Amy) Huang (Texas A&M)

Tensor Ranks and Matrix Multiplication Complexity

Abstract, video, and notes 

Mar. 15th 2022

(1pm Pacific)

Haydee Lindo (Harvey Mudd)

Trace ideals and applications

Abstract, video, and notes 

Mar. 1st 2022

(1pm Pacific)

Giulio Caviglia (Purdue)

Bounds on the number of generators of prime ideals

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 15th 2022

(1pm Pacific)

Ritvik Ramkumar (Berkeley)

On the tangent space to the Hilbert scheme of points in P^3

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 1st 2022

(1pm Pacific)

Anna Weigandt (MIT)

The Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Matrix Schubert Varieties

Abstract, video, and notes 

Nov. 30th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Robin Baidya (University of Tennessee)

Cancellation of finite-dimensional Noetherian modules

Abstract, video, and notes 

Nov. 9th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Patricia Klein (University of Minnesota)

Bumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 26th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Julia Pevtsova (University of Washington)

Support theories for non-commutative complete intersections

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 12th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Yairon Cid-Ruiz (Ghent University)

The  fiber-full scheme

Abstract, video, and notes 

Sept. 28th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Steven Sam (University of California, San Diego)

Splitting rings and cohomology of supergrassmannians

Abstract, video, and notes 

Sept. 14th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Wenliang Zhang (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Vanishing of local cohomology modules

Abstract, video, and notes 

Aug. 31st, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Bernd Sturmfels (University of California, Berkeley & Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)

Linear PDE with Constant Coefficients

Abstract, video, and notes 

May 20th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Various speakers

Memories of David Buchsbaum and Graham Evans

Abstract, video, and notes 

May 13th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Karen Smith (University of Michigan)

Extremal Singularities in Prime Characteristic

Abstract, video, and notes 

May 6th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Irena Swanson (Purdue University)

Numbers of associated primes of powers of ideals

Abstract, video, and notes 

April 29th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Jonathan Montaño (New Mexico State University)

When are multidegrees positive?

Abstract, video, and notes 

April 22nd, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Paolo Mantero (University of Arkansas)

Symbolic powers, interpolation and related problems

Abstract, video, and notes 

April 15th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Adam Boocher (University of San Diego)

On the size and shape of Betti numbers

Abstract, video, and notes 

April 8th, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke  (University of Osnabrück)

The antiprism triangulation

Abstract, video, and notes 

April 1st, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Kevin Tucker (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Global +-regularity

Abstract, video, and notes 

March 25th, 2021

(3pm Pacific)

Satoshi Murai (Waseda University)

Betti numbers of monomial ideals fixed by permutations of the variables

Abstract, video, and notes 

March 18th, 2021

(5pm Pacific)

Kei-ichi Watanabe (Nihon University)

Normal reduction numbers, normal Hilbert coefficients and elliptic ideals in normal 2-dimensional local domains

Abstract, video, and notes 

March 11th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Adela Vraciu (University of South Carolina)

Classification of extremal hypersurfaces in positive characteristic

Abstract, video, and notes 

March 4th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Rob Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook University)

Saturation bounds for smooth varieties

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 25th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Mark Walker (University of Nebraska)

How short can a module of finite projective dimension be?

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 18th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Greg Smith (Queen's University)

Smooth Hilbert schemes

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 11th, 2021

(2pm Pacific)

Liana Sega (University of Missouri - Kansas City)

Simplicial resolutions of powers of square-free monomial ideals

Abstract, video, and notes 

Feb. 4th, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Elisa Gorla (University of Neuchatel)

 Ideals with a radical generic initial ideal

Abstract, video, and notes 

Jan. 28, 2021

(1pm Pacific)

Ilya Smirnov (Stockholm University)

The quest for F-rational signature

Abstract, video, and notes 

Jan. 21, 2021

(5pm Pacific)

Takagi, Shunsuke (University of Tokyo)

 Arithmetic deformations of F-singularities

Abstract, video, and notes 

Jan. 14, 2021

(1:30pm Pacific)

Grigoriy Blekherman (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Sums of Squares: From Real to Commutative Algebra

Abstract, video, and notes 

Nov. 19th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Michael Brown (Auburn University)

A toric BGG correspondence

Abstract, video, and notes 

Nov. 12th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Mircea Mustata (University of Michigan)

Minimal exponents of hypersurfaces and a conjecture of Teissier

Abstract, video, and notes 

Nov. 5th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Hal Schenck (Auburn University)

Calabi-Yau threefolds in P^n and Gorenstein rings

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 29th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Alessandro De Stefani (University of Genova)

Deformation and stability of F-singularities

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 22nd, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Gennady Lyubeznik (University of Minnesota)

A characteristic-free definition of holonomic D-modules

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 15th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Jenna Rajchgot (McMaster University)

Geometric vertex decomposition and liaison

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 8th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Takumi Murayama (Princeton University)

Grothendieck's localization problem

Abstract, video, and notes 

Oct. 1st, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Diane Maclagan (University of Warwick)

Tropical ideals

Abstract, video, and notes 

Sept 24th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Cris Negron (University of North Carolina)

Noncommutative hypersurfaces and support theory for Hopf algebras

Abstract, video, and notes

Sept 17th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Andrew Snowden (University of Michigan)

Infinite dimensional equivariant commutative algebra

Abstract, video, and notes 

Sept 10th, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Juliette Bruce (University of California, Berkeley)

Syzygies of Products of Projective Space

Abstract, video, and notes 

Sept. 3rd, 2020

(12pm Pacific)

Aldo Conca (University of Genova)

Ideals associated to subspace arrangements

Abstract, video, and notes 

August 27th, 2020

Bhargav Bhatt (Michigan)

Cohen-Macaulayness of absolute integral closures

Abstract, video, and notes

August 20th, 2020

Eleonore Faber (University of Leeds)

Grassmannian categories of infinite rank and rings of countable Cohen-Macaulay type

Abstract, video, and notes

August 13th, 2020

Brooke Ullery (Emory University)

Cayley-Bacharach theorems and measures of irrationality

Abstract, video, and notes 

August 6th, 2020

Benjamin Briggs (University of Utah)

The homotopy Lie algebra and the conormal module

Abstract, video, and notes

July 30th, 2020

Federico Ardila

Lagrangian Geometry of Matroids

Abstract, video, and notes 

July 23rd, 2020

Thomas Polstra (University of Utah)

On the weak implies strong conjecture and finite generation of symbolic Rees algebras

Abstract, video, and notes

July 16th, 2020

Alexandra Seceleanu

Reflection arrangements, syzygies, and the containment problem

Abstract, video, and notes 

July 9th, 2020

Luis Núñez-Betancourt (CIMAT)

 Differential powers of ideals

Abstract, video, and notes 

July 2nd, 2020

Dale Cutkosky (University of Missouri)

Mixed multiplicities of filtrations

Abstract, video, and notes 

June 25th, 2020

Hailong Dao (University of Kansas)

A truly mutually beneficial friendship: how Stanley-Reisner theory enhanced both combinatorics and algebra

Abstract, video, and notes 

June 18th, 2020

Claudia Polini (Notre Dame)

Rees algebras of ideals generated by 2x2 minors 

Abstract, video, and notes

June 11th, 2020

Matteo Varbaro (Università di Genova)

The dual graph of a ring

Abstract, video and notes 

June 4th, 2020

Jason McCullough (Iowa State)

Subadditivity of Syzygies and Related Problems

Abstract, video and notes 

May 28th, 2020

Eloísa Grifo (University of California, Riverside)

Symbolic powers, stable containments, and degree bounds

Abstract, video and notes 

May 21st, 2020

Claudiu Raicu (Notre Dame)

Commutative Algebra with S_n-invariant monomial ideals

Abstract, video and notes 

May 14th, 2020

Dan Erman (University of Wisconsin)

 Boundedness questions for polynomials in many variables

Abstract, video and notes 

May 7th, 2020

Jack Jeffries (CIMAT)

 Two applications of p-derivations to commutative algebra

Abstract, video and notes 

April 30th, 2020

Christine Berkesch (University of Minnesota)

The geometry of toric syzygies

Abstract, video and notes 

April 23rd, 2020

Mike Stillman (Cornell University)

Quadratic Gorenstein rings and the Koszul property

Abstract, video and notes 

April 16th, 2020

Anurag Singh (University of Utah)

Hankel determinantal rings

Abstract, video and notes 

April 9th, 2020

Linquan Ma (Purdue University)

Multiplicities over local rings

Abstract, video and notes