Felix Meier zu Selhausen

I am an Assistant Professor of Economic and Social History at Utrecht University. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Wageningen University and awarded a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Economics Department, University of Sussex. I graduated from Utrecht University in 2015 with a Ph.D. in Social and Economic History .

My research interests are at the intersection of economic history, development economics and demography. In particular, my research focuses on the impact of international trade on development in Africa, the relationship between religion and socioeconomic development and gender relations in urban and rural contexts. I am a specialist in employing historical data, collected from a wide range of local and archival sources, to analyse African commodity trade as well as living standards, health and the effects of religion on urban and rural populations. I have published widely including in journals such as Journal of Economic Growth, Economic History Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, and Population and Development Review. I am board member of the African Economic History Network (AEHN) and editor of its open-access textbook The History of African Development and AEHN Working Paper Series.

I have taught courses in Global Economic History, African Economic History, Sustainability Transitions, and Microfinance at Utrecht University, Wageningen University (NL), University of Sussex (UK), African School of Economics (Benin) and Mountains of the Moon University (Uganda).


CV: email me.

Email: f.p.meierzuselhausen [at] uu.nl

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Twitter: @FelixMzS1