About me


I am a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Gothenburg since 2022. I hold a master’s degree in Political Science from Uppsala University and a bachelor’s degree in Politics and Economics from the University of Potsdam.

My main research interests include party competition, party strategies, European integration, Euroscepticism, and political communication. In my dissertation, I study how intra-party divisions affects mainstream party strategies on contentious issues such as immigration and European integration. I also study the electoral implications of party divisions.

As a research intern at Uppsala University and during my Master's studies, I have worked on the role of national parliaments in the process of European integration. Part of that work has been published in European Union Politics and the Journal of European Public Policy. 

I supervise Bachelor's and Master's thesis broadly related to my research interests. Students are welcome to reach out. I teach on both levels primarily on subjects related to European integration.

To get in touch, please contact me via e-mail (felix.lehmann@gu.se) or on Twitter (@FelixLehmann97 )