
In 2015, Balogh introduced the Erdős-coloring of a paper.  A paper is colored red if it answers a question or solves a conjecture by P. Erdős. If it gives a current best bound on a problem by P. Erdős, it is colored pink


[23] C., Applications of Sparse Hypergraph Colorings, arXiv: 2406.01499, 2024.

[22] C., Kaiser, Crossing Numbers of Billiard Curves in the Multidimensional Box via Translation Surfaces, arXiv: 2406.01119, 2024.

[21] Balogh, C., Dumitrescu, On a Traveling Salesman Problem for Points in the Unit Cube, arXiv: 2310.02839, 2023.

[20] C., Heath, Lavrov, Online Ramsey numbers of ordered paths and cycles, arXiv: 2210.05235, 2022.

[19] Balogh, C., Luo, Non-degenerate Hypergraphs with Exponentially Many Extremal Constructions, arXiv:2208.00652, 2022


[18] Balogh, C., Dumitrescu, Almost Congruent Triangles, Discrete & Computational Geometry, arXiv:2303.14663, 2023.

[17] Axenovich, Balogh, C., Weber, Unavoidable order-size pairs in hypergraphs - positive forcing density, Combinatorial Theory, arXiv:2208.06626, 2022.

[16] Axenovich, C., Rainbow Subgraphs in Edge-colored complete Graphs -- Answering Two Questions by Erdős and Tuza, Journal of Graph Theory, arXiv:2209.13867, 2022.

[15] Balogh, C., Lidický, 10 Problems for Partitions of Triangle-free Graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, arXiv:2203.15764, 2022.


[14] Balogh, C., On stability of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 2020.

[13] Balogh, C. , Lidický, Norin, Volec, The Spectrum of Triangle-free Graphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete Math., 2022.

[12] C., Wagner, A note on balanced edge-colorings avoiding rainbow cliques of size four, arXiv:2303.15476, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2023

[11] Cao, C., English, Li, Schmidt,  Xoubi, Yin Chasing the Threshold Bias of the 3-AP Game, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 2022. 

[10] Balogh, C., Lidický Hypergraph Tur\'an Problems in $\ell_2$-Norm, Surveys in Combinatorics 2022: London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series, 2021. 

[9] Balogh, C., Lidický, Solving Tur\'an's Tetrahedron Problem for the $\ell_2$-Norm, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2022.

[8] Balogh, C., Mattos, Counting r-graphs without forbidden configurations, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2022.

[7] Balogh, C., Lidický, Maximum Number of Almost Similar Triangles in the Plane, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 2022.

[6] Balogh, C., Heath, Lavrov, A Strengthening of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem, Eurpean Journal of Combinatorics, 101, 2022.

[5] Balogh, C., Lidický, Max-Cuts in Triangle-free Graphs, Extended Abstracts EuroComb2021, 2021.

[4] Choi, C.,Ferrara, Horn, Ma, Masařík, Flexibility of Planar Graphs -- Sharpening the Tools to Get Lists of Size Four, Discrete Appl. Math., 2021.

[3] Balogh, C., Lavrov, Lidický, Pfender, Making K_ {r+ 1} -Free Graphs r-partite, Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 2020.

[2] Balogh, C., Skokan, Wagner, The Ramsey Number of Fano Plane Versus Tight Path, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2020.

[1] Balogh, C., Heath, Lavrov, Ordered size Ramsey number of paths, Discrete Appl. Math., 2020.