Fei Teng

Welcome! I am a Ph.D. candidate in Quantitative Marketing at Yale School of Management. My research employs structural modeling and field experiments to investigate critical issues in marketing and public policy, including platform analytics, customer relationship management, and customer rating systems.

I am on the 2024-2025 job market. 

Working Papers

Fei Teng, Tristan Botelho, and K. Sudhir, (2024)Honest Ratings Aren’t Enough: How Rater Mix Variation Impacts Suppliers and Hurts Platforms” 

Fei Teng, Tristan Botelho, and K. Sudhir (2023), “Can Customer Ratings Amplify Discrimination? Evidence from a Gig Economy Platform”

Soheil Ghili, Vineet Kumar, and Fei Teng (2023), “Spatial Distribution of Access to Service: Theory and Evidence from Ride Sharing”  [pdf]

Work in Progress

“Leveraging the Organization to Increase Effectiveness of AI Enabled CRM” with Guofang Huang and K. Sudhir

“Tax Pass-through and Competition: Evidence from Philadelphia Soda Tax” with Andrea Pozzi and Katja Seim