Fair warning: this is a blog post about automated cat feeders. Sort of. But bear with me, because I'm also trying to make a point about software. If you have a sudden urge to click the back button on your browser now, I don't blame you. I don't often talk about cats, but when I do, I make it count.

Me neither. I haven't stopped loving our fuzzy buddies, but this was also before we had onetwothree children. We don't have a lot of time for random cat hijinks these days. Anyway, once we set up the automated feeders in 2007, it was a huge relief to outsource pet food obsessions to machines. They reliably delivered a timed feeding at 8am and 8pm like clockwork for the last five years. No issues whatsoever, other than changing the three D batteries about once a year, filling the hopper with kibble about once a month, and an occasional cleaning.

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This is still one of my favorite quotes about software. It's something we internalized heavily when building Stack Overflow. Getting the details right is the difference between something that delights, and something customers tag_hash_106________.

We were maniacal about listening to feedback from avid Stack Overflow users from the earliest days of Stack Overflow in August 2008. Did you know that we didn't even have comments in the first version of Stack Overflow? But it was obvious, based on user feedback and observed usage, that we desperately needed them. There are now, at the time I am writing this, 1,569 completed feature requests; that's more than one per day on average.

People may assume that the Christmas holiday season is all about giving. To that, I say, "Nay!" The Halloween season is truly the time for generosity. For example, people who pass out full bars of candy? Saints, generous saints. People hosting Halloween parties in their own homes and feeding their drunk pirate and Barbie friends? Truly angelic. Saying "yes" to watching Halloweentown for the tenth time with your buddy who hates horror movies? A good and kind deed. So, in the spirit of love, joy, and benevolence, I decided it would be a good idea to feed iconic horror movie villains for their special day. Yes, I know they've committed a few stabbings and murders, but everyone deserves a delicious treat, don't they? Here is what I will be serving some of my creepiest guests this year.

Ever wondered how Michael Myers of tag_hash_109Halloween fame sits up so fast and can speed walk with ease? The dude hits up the gym, probably, I don't know. I just assume he does something to keep his arms strong for all of that slicing and dicing. An acai smoothie is the perfect little treat to make sure he's getting all of his necessary gym bro nutrients. Plus, the straw would make it so he doesn't have to take off his mask. (Who wouldn't want to look like a scary William Shatner 24/7?) And yes, I know I should offer him something more "substantial," but the man is full from his meal of rat and dog. A guy's gotta get protein to pump those pecs.

You know what else goes well with fava beans and Chianti? Honestly, most things, Hannibal. I would try to fool Hannibal Lecter with the vegan delight that is Impossible Burger. I mean, it does bleed, and that seems to be his "thing."

Fun fact: Freddy Krueger is an Ohio-based man...demon...thing. It's true! A Nightmare On Elm Street director Wes Craven was inspired to create the character after childhood experiences growing up in Cleveland. (Yes, I know, potholes and lake-effect snow are scary!) In true "Mistake On The Lake" fashion, I would feed Freddy a fresh pierogi. He could poke them all and have five dumplings on his sharp hands. Now, I would also love to make him a charcuterie board and watch him stab cheese cubes for hours, but alas, there are more monsters to feed.

Regardless of who is wearing the Ghostface mask, I will serve them a delicious, succulent prime rib. However, Ghostface does have to use his knife to carve it...at my wedding...and he has to wait until all the guests leave...and he can't stab said guests. But other than that, Ghostface can go ham on this beef!

Pennywise is so uncultured. I mean, really? You're going to eat your entree of local children without an appetizer? I would set the stage for his full meal with bruschetta made with fresh heirloom tomatoes and basil paired with garlic-toasted crostini. Then, he could pig out on his favorite grade school bullies, skateboarders, and members of the Losers Club. I don't judge, I know he needs a lot of calories to retain his status of "The Dancing Clown."

This dude with the top hat is just obsessed with terrorizing single mothers and eating fresh worms in the basement. If the Babadook thinks raw, wriggling live bait is good, he will *love* a gummy worm on top of Oreo chocolate pudding. Maybe he'd stop being such a grouchy stinker if he had something sweet. Fingers crossed.

My main question is... how does Pinhead/Hell Priest from Hellraiser take a little nap? Does he have to take his pins in and out every night? Does his skull ache? I just think a single Advil tablet may help him the most at this point in time.

Black Phillip of The Witch might just be the world's most famous goat. So, of course, he deserves the fanciest of empty tin cans: 365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Shelf-Stable Tomatoes Diced. They're fire-roasted because Black Phillip is literally Satan, and loves a tasteful char. I would feed this furry little devil his own food cake, but goats can't have chocolate. Not today, Black Phillip. Not today!

Oh, boy. Have you seen the Crypt Keeper lately? His skin is just so terrible. No disrespect, I know he's a reanimated corpse, but just because you're a living dead guy doesn't mean you get to just *ignore* your skincare routine. Surely, a glass of water can't heal his entire body, but it's certainly a start. Next up, I am teaching him the wonders of collagen and edible face masks. God, I am so tired already. We have so much work to do, man,

Matt, Loriani and Valentina Eckerle spend some time on the beach. Both mom and dad are pitching in equally, six weeks after their baby was born. Courtesy of Loriani EckerleĀ  hide caption

OK, ready? I'm about to shock you. About three weeks ago, when my daughter was a mere 6 weeks old, I left her with her dad for the weekend. One of my oldest friends was getting married in Boston, and I had miles to use.

I admit, my own insecurities as a mother probably exaggerated people's reactions in my head. I felt judged. One woman asked, looking confused, "So your husband is feeding your baby?" To which I wanted to reply, with a surprised look: "You have to feed them?"

I didn't leave my daughter with a nanny or even a friend. I left her with her father, a fact that seemed to carry no weight. Do you think anyone would have said anything to Matt had he left me alone with Valentina instead?

I was reminded of all this the other day at my new mothers group. One mother made the observation that her husband would be showered with compliments of what a good father he was by doing miniscule things such as carrying his daughter for 10 minutes or changing a diaper. Yet she herself rarely got such compliments, despite the fact she was spending all day with the baby. What a very sad realization to have as a mother that we are not only judged harsher as parents, but also unlikely to ever hear the praise we deserve.

And boy, do we need to hear it. Just the other day at Target, a woman started chatting with me at the checkout line. She asked how old Valentina was and commented that her 9-month-old was still keeping her up at night. I innocently asked whether they were supposed to sleep through the night at that age. A dark cloud came over this woman's face as she commented that all her friends' babies were sleeping through the night, and that she was obviously doing something wrong. I found myself comforting a perfect stranger and assuring her she was a great mom.

Or look at how competitive we all get around each other. Attend a gathering of mothers, and you're likely to be surprised at how often we're sizing each other up. One simple remark can drive us crazy for weeks. How can Kathy's son be sitting up already? Sally's daughter is crawling! Jen's twins are speaking Latin!! Enough already.

Valentina is a happy baby. She's more than twice her birth weight. More importantly, I haven't dropped her. So yes, I left her for a weekend. But I refuse to think this makes me any less of a mother than Carol Brady. I'll even go as far as telling myself "I'm a good mom," because I clearly can't count on others to tell me so.

THEY FEED ON FEAR: A Horror RPG is a stand-alone RPG system that allows the players to create and take control of Fear-Eaters, horrific inter-dimensional beings that sustain themselves by devouring the Fear/Essence of their victims. Players name their Fear-Eater and create their appearance, behaviour, background, and mythology. The players must then stalk their way through the world outlined by the game master, called the Provider. The Fear-Eater's goal is to sow discord, fear, and horror while avoiding the feeble attempts to end their rampaging, unquenchable feast.

The PDF is 92 pages, with a sleek retro horror novel aesthetic and some absolutely incredible illustrations. There's a distinct Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark vibe to several pieces, but that's far from the only recognizable influence. If you dig modern horror illustrations, Feed On Fear is worth it as a coffee table book alone.

Gameplay-wise, you're basically taking on the role of the It from It. You're an alien shapeshifter that feeds on humans, and you're harvesting as much as you can from the nearby area. You do this by stalking and terrorizing locals, which gives you Essence. Essence is your HP and your ability pool and your exp and your way of winning the game---all of Feed On Fear orbits around it. 152ee80cbc

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