Food Environment Equity Dashboard - NYC (beta)

Project Overview

The Food Environment Equity Dashboard for NYC (FEED-NYC) uses existing and novel data sources to visualize important aspects of food insecurity and food access in New York City: participation in federal nutrition programs like school food and SNAP; access to emergency food; and neighborhood food affordability. We worked with advocacy groups, service providers, government officials, researchers, and others (see list of participating organizations below) to help identify important questions, potential data to answer those questions, and ways information can be visualized most effectively. Over the past year we aggregated, cleaned, organized, and displayed data from a variety of sources to illustrate different ways of thinking about existing inequities in the city's food environment with the goal of helping different stakeholders participate more effectively in food policymaking. This website is a prototype aimed at eliciting your feedback, constructive criticism, suggestions, and collaboration. We hope to turn this proof of concept into a useful, living tool for those working to make New York City's food environment more just.

To enter the dashboard, click on one of the buttons below or use the dropdown menu above:

Participating Organizations

This work is funded by the National Science Foundation's Smart and Connected Communities Program (Award # 2125200)