FEDS Student Council

Student Council has representatives from each Faculty and College at the UWaterloo. Following elections this May, a majority of the councillors will take office with our new FEDS Executives.

According to the FEDS Charter, the "Council upholds the goals of the Federation of Students" and ensures compliance with the FEDS Charter and bylaws. The Council also establishes the policies of the corporation. It offers a forum for students to give input and construct policies, activities, and appoint the commissioners who will have profound impacts on student life and career.

The Council oversees the budget and administers student fees. As the oversight branch of our student government we check the powers of the executives and hold your candidates, officers, and Faculty Societies accountable to both FEDS and you, the students.

For regular updates on student council affairs, policies, and debates sign-up for the FEDS Council mailing list.

Watch the FEDS Executive Debate

Council Meetings

Meetings are held in the Student Life Centre (SLC) Multi-Purpose Room at 12:30 p.m. (noon) and will be taking place on the following days for the 2017 academic year.

Spring 2017 Council Meeting Dates

  • Sunday, May 15
  • Sunday, June 5
  • Sunday, June 26
  • Sunday, July24

For a list of agenda items and meeting minutes, please refer to FEDS Council Page.

For contact information on any other Councillors outside of the ArgonNaut party, please see the List of Councillors.

FEDS Administration and 2017 Plan

Does the Federation of Students serve you the way you want? Learn more about the Executives platform and expansive policy agendas in the Executive Action Plan for 2016-2017. This plan describes the "goals [the current] Executive team will strive to achieve during the term in office..." until elections in May.

Growing expenses and inefficiencies coupled with Red Tape and student apathy has led to neglect in proper management for FEDS. The ArgonNauts will strive to rein in the spending and maximize the value of services (impact per $) provided. That's why ArgonNauts is supporting a reform agenda and reform motivated Executives in this FEDS election.

To see the extent of policy and bylaws regulating/affecting your student life, check out FEDS Important Documents and look at Policies and Bylaws.

Previous FEDS Action Plan (2015-2016)