Federico Trombetta


federico.trombetta [at] unicatt.it

Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development (DISEIS)

Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Largo Gemelli 1,

20123 Milano (Italy)

About me

I am an economist, PhD @ Warwick Economics (supervised by Ben Lockwood and Helios Herrera), currently Assistant Professor (RTD-A) @ Universita' Cattolica. 

In my research, I (mainly) use economic theory to study the effects of information on political decisions, the effects of market forces on information availability, determinants and inefficiencies in political selection and accountability. My main research interests are in Political Economy, alone and at the interception with Media Economics or Economic History. In a nutshell, I am interested in...

Political Economy: agency & policies:

Political Economy and Media Economics:

Political Economy and Economic History:

Please find my CV here.
