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I am a mathematician working at the interface between probability, statistical physics, and analysis 

Currently, I am a non-tenured Assistant Professor (RTD-a) at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Geosciences (MIGe) of the University of Trieste (UniTS)

Previously, I was a postdoc at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), within the group led by Jan Maas

There I was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)'s Lise Meitner postdoctoral fellowship (project number M 3211), and by the ISTplus Program

In fall 2022, I had the pleasure to be a visiting researcher at IMPA

I obtained my PhD at TU Delft under the supervision of Frank Redig


Probability theory, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Markov processes, Interacting particle systems


Workshop "Particle Systems & PDEs" @ UniTS | Trieste | September 9-13, 2024