Federico Accossato

Hello! I am Federico Accossato, a second year PhD student at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy.  There, I work under the supervision of Dr Carlo Sanna and Prof. Nadir Murru, and I am a member of the Research Group in Cryptography and Number Theory of the Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA).

I obtained both my BSc and my MSc in Mathematics at the University of Turin.
My Master's dissertation was about Deformations of Galois Representations and was supervised by Prof. Lea Terracini and Dr. Andrea Conti. My Bachelor's thesis focused on Quadratic Forms and Hasse local-to-global principle, and it was supervised by Prof. Lea Terracini.

My research interests lie in Algebraic Number Theory. In particular, my current research is primarily focused on the arithmetics of linear recurrences, with special regard to the properties they have when reduced modulo an integer. However, some other fascinating fields that I am gradually directing my interests towards also include p-Adic Numbers, Transcendence Theory and Continued Fractions.

Here is my CV.

I welcome collaboration, discussion, and networking opportunities. If you share an interest in mathematics, or simply wish to connect, feel free to reach out!




Department of Mathematical Sciences
Politecnico di Torino
C.so Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin (Italy)