A twofold perspective of

Foreign Direct Investment

"Confronting the challenges and capturing the opportunities requires a change in the investment-development paradigm" (James Zhan, UNCTAD)

The virtual roundtable will be held on May 20th, 2021 (from 11.00 until 14.00 EEST).

The roundtable language will be Romanian.

The access for the audience is free, using the Zoom link:


The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) roundtable aims to bring together a number of researchers and professionals, to explore particular themes addressing foreign affairs.

What have we learned so far?

How to respond to the contemporary challenges?

Our purpose is to create and develop a bridge between scientists and practitioners, in order to take advantage of all the pieces of the puzzle that is the FDI.

Nowadays, when the entire world is facing the pandemic crisis, with falling FDI and new FDI regimes emerging, sharing knowledge on such a popular subject may be extremely fruitful.

Organizer and moderator: Simona-Gabriela Masca, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, simona.masca@econ.ubbcluj.ro