Feasibility Consistent Representation Learning for Safe Reinforcement Learning


In the field of safe reinforcement learning (RL), finding a balance between satisfying safety constraints and optimizing reward performance presents a significant challenge. A key obstacle in this endeavor is the estimation of safety constraints, which is typically more difficult than estimating a reward metric due to the sparse nature of the constraint signals. To address this issue, we introduce a novel framework named Feasibility Consistent Safe Reinforcement Learning (FCSRL). This framework combines representation learning with feasibility-oriented objectives to identify and extract safety-related information from the raw state for safe RL. Leveraging self-supervised learning techniques and a more learnable safety metric, our approach enhances the policy learning and constraint estimation. Empirical evaluations across a range of vector-state and image-based tasks demonstrate that our method is capable of learning a better safety-aware embedding and achieving superior performance than previous representation learning baselines. 

Experiment Visualization

TD3-Lag (baseline) performance


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan square.


Target: to reach the correct ball while avoiding blue circles, purple squares and wrong ball.


Target: to push the yellow object to green goal while avoiding blue circles and blue pillar.


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan squares.


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan square.


Target: to reach the correct ball while avoiding blue circles, purple squares and wrong ball.

FCSRL (ours) performance


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan square.


Target: to reach the correct ball while avoiding blue circles, purple squares and wrong ball.


Target: to push the yellow object to green goal while avoiding blue circles and blue pillar.


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan squares.


Target: to reach the green goal while avoiding blue circles and cyan square.


Target: to reach the correct ball while avoiding blue circles, purple squares and wrong ball.

FCSRL (ours) performance in vision tasks 

We only use the "first perspective view" image (64x64) as the input of agent. All other information (e.g., Lidar) is unknown.

Building upon previous work in representation learning [1], we conduct linear probing to assess the effectiveness of the learned embedding on safety-related features extraction. 

It may take several seconds to load following videos.

PointButton1 (Vision)

PointGoal2 (Vision)

CarGoal1 (Vision)


[1] He, Kaiming, et al. "Masked autoencoders are scalable vision learners." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2022.