WRS Future Convenience Store Challenge

 in Cyber Space

ICRA 2024 Competition in Yokohama Japan


1st Place

Tam@Home (Kyusyu Institute of Technology)

2nd Place

eR@sers (Tamagawa University)

3rd Place

Try@ngulars (Osaka Institute of Technology)

Congratulations everyone!

and Thank you for your participation.

Aim of the competition

The purpose of this competition is to enhance the quality of customer service through intelligent robots in environments such as retail stores and shopping malls and to realize new service forms. In particular, this competition focuses on the ability to engage in natural and friendly communication in customer service and collaborative work between store staff and robots.

While evaluations of physical functions such as object recognition, human action recognition, navigation, and object grasping have traditionally been conducted using actual robots in competitions, there have been limitations to smooth competition due to constraints imposed by physical robots when focusing on intelligent interactions such as intention recognition, natural language understanding, conversation control, and conversation for ambiguity resolution. Therefore, in this competition, instead of focusing on the physical aspects of functionality, tasks focusing on conversational intelligence are conducted to improve the quality of dialogue systems for service robots collaborating with humans in retail stores and to realize new interactive service systems.

Additionally, this competition has a unique structure where robots in virtual space converse with humans in real space. Proposals contributing to the realization of new services through the fusion of metaverses, digital twins, cyber-physical systems, and social robotics are welcome.

 YouTube Live Stream will be provided!!

Day1: 14th May, from 14:00

Day2: 15th May, from 15:00

Important Dates

2024-02-29  1st Call: Participation declaration 

2024-03-15  First on-line meeting 

2024-03-31  2nd Call: Participation declaration deadline (detailed team information should be fixed)

2024-04-19  Second on-line meeting

2024-05-13 Set-up day

2024-05-14 Competition Day 1, 14:00--17:20

2024-05-15 Competition Day 2,  15:00--16:00

                           Award Ceremony 16:30

Software resources

All the system is available at our GitHub 


The competition system is developed based on SIGVerse platform

Rulebook & Documentations


Tetsunari Inamura (Tamagawa University, Japan)

Kazuyoshi Wada (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)

Yukiyasu Domae (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

Please contact to fcsc-info-ml@ml.tmu.ac.jp for more detailed information