Cards Workout

Warm Up!

Pick your favourite animal. Move around the house pretending to be that animal!

Work Out!

You will need: a deck of cards (Shuffle them up!)

Pick a card from the deck!

If the card is:

  1. A Heart: Do Jumping Jacks!

  2. A Spade: Do Push Ups!

  3. A Diamond: Do Jumping Lunges!

  4. A Club: Do Skater Jumps!

Whatever number is on the card tells you how many of the exercise to complete!

(If an Ace shows up - do one of the exercise. If a Jack, Queen or King shows up - do 10 of the exercise).

Bonus: Challenge a Partner! Whoever completes 15 cards first wins!

Cool Down!

Ask a parent to go for a walk with you! Or walk around your house for five minutes!