Roll the Dice

Warm Up!

Jog around your backyard, or jog on the spot, for at least 1 minute!

Work Out!

You will need: Dice x2

Roll both dice and add up the numbers that they land on!

Whatever number it adds up to is the exercise that you must complete!

2: 5 Burpees

3: 10 Squats

4: 10 Pushups

5: 15 Jumping Jacks

6: 10-second Plank

7: 10 Mountain Climbers

8: 12 Crunches

9: 10 Situps

10: 10-second Crab Walk

11: 5 Supermans

12: 3 Frog Jumps

Repeat 10 or more times!

Cool Down!

Complete 5 stretches. Hold for 15 seconds each!