Spelling Workout

Warm Up!

Grab a jump rope and see if you can do 25 skips in a row!


Spell out your full name and complete the activity listed for each letter.

For a greater challenge include your middle name and do each one twice!

If you want to switch it up, try spelling the name of your favourite movie character!

A - jump up and down 10 times

B - spin around in a circle 5 times

C - hop on one foot 5 times

D - run to the nearest door that leads to outside and back

E - walk like a crab for 10 seconds

F - do 3 cartwheels

G - do 15 jumping jacks

H - hop like a frog 5 times

I - balance on your left foot for 10 seconds

J - balance on your right foot for 10 seconds

K - march like a toy soldier 12 times

L - pretend to jump rode 20 times

M - do 3 summersaults

N - pick up a ball without using your hands

O - walk backwards for 20 steps then skip back

P - walk sideways for 10 steps

Q - walk to a bear for 10 seconds

R - walk like a duck for 10 seconds

S - touch your toes 20 times

T - pretend to pedal a bike for 10 seconds

U - roll a ball using only your head

V - flap your arms like a bird 20 times

W - do 15 jumping jacks

X - try and touch the sky 10 times

Y - walk on your knees for 10 seconds

Z - do 10 push ups

Cool Down!
That was tough! Try completing 5 different stretches to cool down!
Drink lots of water to recover!