Two to Tango

Warm Up!

Jog on the spot for 30 seconds, then see if you can hold a 15 second wall sit!

Repeat 2 times!

Stretch it out before you begin!


Repeat the following sequence 3 times!

Complete 10 of each exercise, every time!

  1. Hop-overs: Partner 1 lays face-down on the floor. Partner 2 hops side-to-side over their legs. Switch!

* Bonus: Increase difficulty for maximum fun by changing position of partner 1 to child’s pose or a table-top position (hands and knees).

  1. Leg lifts: Partner 1 lays face-up on the floor and lifts straight legs up to the sky. Partner 2 will grab Partner 1’s toes and push them back to the ground. Partner 1 must control their legs on the way down. Switch!

  2. Wheelbarrow Push-ups: Partner 1 grabs Partner 2’s feet and brings Partner 1 into a raised feet plank. Push-up! Can’t do it? That’s okay, hold it for 30 seconds then switch! Remember to keep your body straight and strong.

  3. Sit-ups: sit toe to toe, facing each other. Use your feet to stabilize one another as you complete your sit-ups.

*Bonus: For maximum fun pass an object between you when you meet in the middle or give an encouraging high-five.

*Bonus: Airplane - Partner 1 lays face-up and holds up feet and hands. Partner 2 tries to lie down and balance on top of Partner 1’s hands in feet. Extend arms out like an Airplane! Partner 1 can add turbulence for an extra challenge.

Cool down!

Mermaid stretch (upward facing dog). Hold for 45 seconds.