Animals Workout

Warm Up!

  1. Jog on the spot for 30 seconds

  2. Pretend to be your favourite animal for 30 seconds!

Repeat 3 times!

Work out!

Complete each exercise for 30 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Repeat the entire routine 3 times!

  1. Inchworm: start with your hands reaching to the sky, fold forward at the hips and walk your hands out to a plank, walk your feet back to your hands but keep your legs straight.

  2. Bear: forwards and backwards bear crawls.

  3. Frog: forwards and backwards frog jumps.

  4. Spider: crawl like a spider on the ground! With your chest facing the ground crawl forward low and slow by bringing your knees to your elbows .

  5. Crab walk: with your chest facing the sky and bum off the ground, crawl forwards and backwards, all around your house!

Cool Down!

Stretch and Recover! Make sure to drink lots of water!