Full Body WOrkout

Grab a partner or do it solo!

Each person must do all the exercises, if you want to make it more fun see you can do them all the fastest!

Start by putting some music on and dancing for five minutes to warm up your body!

Work Out!

  1. 5 handstands against the wall

  2. Balance for 15 seconds each leg

  3. Plank for 15 seconds

  4. 15 squats

  5. 10 frog jumps

  6. 12 push ups

  7. 10 sit ups

  8. 15 second on the spot sprint

  9. Wall sit 20 Seconds

  10. 15 jumping jacks

Repeat 3 times for a even better workout

Cool Down!

Remember to complete a cool down and stretch once you are done!