High RepEtitions Workout #1

Count Down

*Note (15/10/5) means 15 reps, then 10 reps, then 5 reps)

1. Push Ups (15/10/5)

2. Split Squats, prop your back foot up on a bench or chair (15 each leg/10 each leg/5 each leg)

3. Single leg floor touches (standing on one leg, knee with a slight bend, reach down with opposite hand and touch the floor) (15 each/10 each/5 each)

4. Glute bridges (15/10/5)

5. Bear Crawl (15 steps/10/5) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgt1vdZ_YYk

6. Single Leg Step Ups (step up onto a stair or bench - really try to explode up)

(15 each/10 each/5 each)

7. Straight Leg Hip Bridge (15/10/5)


8. Reverse Crunch (15/10/5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAyTBB4lm3I