Explosive Exercise Workout

Building Explosiveness

Complete 3 sets of each exercise. Make sure to give yourself plenty of rest between sets so that you give your body a chance to recover.

1) 3 sprawls to a sprint start (3 sets)

2) 3 Broad Jumps in a row (3 sets)

3) Single Leg Step Ups (step up onto a stair or a bench - really try to explode up) (20 each x3)

4) Jumping Lunges (Explode up!) (10 each leg x3)

5) Single Leg Clock Jumps (Jump from left leg to right leg from 12:00 to 6:00, then right leg left leg from 6:00 back to 12:00). Do one full cycle. Repeat x3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoUpROYiqGc

6) Squat to Tuck Jumps. See how high you can get! (10 x 3 sets)

7) Jumping Push Ups (Very slow and controlled, but explode up on the way up. See if you can get your hands off of the floor, safely*) (Do 3, rest then do another 3 for one set. Complete 3 sets).

Finish with a Core Circuit:

-Right Side Plank with Hip Taps x15

-Left Side Plank with Hip Taps x15

-Plank with alternating leg raise x20

-Mason Twist x20

Complete 3 sets