Endurance Workout #4

The 12 Workouts of Christmas!

Like the song, the 12 Days of Christmas!

Round 1: 1 20 second plank

Round 2: 2 Lunges, 1 20 second plank

Round 3: 3 Skater Jumps, 2 Lunges, 1 20 second plank

Round 4: 4 Plank Up/Downs, 3 Skater Jumps, 2 Lunges, 1 20 second plank

Continue this pattern until you complete all 12 rounds!

Take small breaks as needed

1 - 20 second plank

2 - Lunges (2 each side)

3 - Skater Jumps (on each side)

4 - Plank Up/Downs

5 - Squat Jumps

6 - V-Ups

7 - Tricep Dips

8 - Calf Raises

9 - Supermans

10 - Push Ups

11 - Bird Dogs (on each side)

12 - Burpees