Backyard Workout #2

Backyard Sprint Workout

Rest for 2 minutes between each round.

Round 1 - Line Drill (Complete 3 sets, with a 30 second break after each set.)

Set up 6-10 cones in a line (3ft apart)

Sprint forward 2 cones, run backward 1 cone, until you reach the end.

The goal is to work on accelerating, and changing directions at a quick pace.

Round 2 - Mini Circuit A (3 sets, 20 second break after each set)

High knees on the spot - 15 seconds

Lateral (Side) lunge - x5 Each Side

Plank - 20 seconds

Round 3 - Line Drill (Complete 3 sets, with a 30 second break after each set.)

Round 4 - Mini Circuit B (3 sets, 20 second break after each set)

Two-feet Side to side hop – 15 seconds

Stationary Inchworm - x5

Bird Dogs - x5 each side

Round 5 - Box Drill (Complete 3 sets, with a 30 second break after each set.)

Set up 4 cones in a square, with side lengths of about 10ft.

Starting in one corner, sprint diagonally across the square, jog to the next cone, sprint diagonally across the square again, then jog back to the starting cone. Repeat the pattern for 1 minute.

Round 6 - Mini Circuit C (3 sets, 20 second break after each set)

Tuck Jumps - 15 seconds

Alternating Forward Lunges - x10 each side

Side Plank with Leg Raise - x5 each side

Round 7 - Box Drill (Complete 3 sets, with a 30 second break after each set.)