Running Workout #3

Running Scavenger Hunt

Go on a 15-20 minute run or walk. While doing this, count how many of the following you see.

Complete the corresponding exercise for each time you saw the following:

  1. Stop Sign - push ups

  2. House Number that ends in 5 (ex. 1055) - squats

  3. Red Car - jumping jacks

  4. Basketball Net - crunches

  5. A dog - 10 second plank

  6. Maximum Speed Sign - burpees

  7. A sign with a street name - sit ups

Once you get home, complete your exercises.

Example: On my run I saw 5 stop signs, 4 red cars, and 6 dogs. Therefore, after my run I will complete 5 push ups, 4 jumping jacks, and a 60 second plank.