High Repetition Workout #3

The Spending Spree of Workouts

You have "$20" to spend on exercises to use for this workout.

Complete one exercise from each category for the given time.

(Example, round one may be 15 seconds of burpees, 15 seconds of squats, 15 seconds of push ups and 15 seconds of sit ups).

Round 1: 15 seconds

Round 2: 30 seconds

Round 3: 45 seconds

Round 4: 60 seconds

Round 5: 60 seconds

Round 6: 45 seconds

Round 7: 30 seconds

Round 8: 15 seconds

You can do the same 4 exercises for each round or switch it up! But know that the exercises you use throughout must not exceed $20!

Rest for 30 seconds between each round.