BackYard Workout #1

Backyard Endurance Workout

Rest for 2 minutes between each round.

Round 1 - Explosive starts: 5m sprints

Run a 5-meter sprint, three times from each starting position. Focus on being explosive in your start.

1. Start lying on your stomach

2. Start on two knees

3. Start standing

Round 2 - Leg Blaster

Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds

Jump Squats x15

Broad Jumps x5

Rest - 20 seconds

Complete 3 Sets

Round 3 - 20-touch shuffle

Set up 2 cones 10ft apart. Start in the middles and side shuffle between the two cones.

Time how long it takes you to make 20 touches. Time #1: ___________

Repeat after a 1-minute break. Time #2: _________

Round 4 - Finish Well: Shuttle Runs

Set up cones to mark off a start line, two mid lines, and an end line. (Lines should be about 5ft apart).

If you don't have the space for three lines, two lines is sufficient.

Sprint to the first line, then back to the start, sprint to the second line, then back to the start, sprint to the end line, then back to the start. Continue for the designated time.

Run for 3-minutes, take a 1-minute break, then do another 3-minutes.