Pick a number

Warm Up!

Set a timer for 1 minute! Stay moving for the whole minute. You can alternate between jumping jacks and high knees!

Work Out!

Write out the numbers 1 - 10 on small pieces of paper and place them in a hat.

Take turns with a partner picking out two numbers from the hat - the first number tells you which exercise from the list to complete! The second number tells you how many of that exercise you have to do!

When you have completed your exercise, put the papers back in the hat and let your partner have a turn!

Repeat until everyone has completed 10 turns!

Exercise List:

  1. Push-ups

  2. Sit-ups

  3. Squats

  4. Lunges

  5. Mountain Climbers

  6. Jumping Jacks

  7. Burpees

  8. Sprints

  9. Inch Worms

  10. Crunches

Cool Down!
Pick 5 different stretches to complete. Then drink lots of water!