Wrestler Workout

Partner Workout

Set a time to do a workout with a teammate or friend! Go on video chat to do the workout together (or do it with a family member!)

How it works: One person will do the exercise while the other person rests, and then switch! At all times, someone will be exercising!

1) Push Up Challenge:

Start at 10 push ups. One person will complete their reps while the other counts and rests, then the next person will complete their rest while the first person counts and rests. Then repeat for 9 reps, then 8 reps, and so on until you reach 1 rep each.

2) Leg Blaster:

10 seconds on, 10 seconds off. (Rotate between you and your partner, so one person is always working out). Repeat Each Exercise Twice!

  • 1: Tuck Jumps

  • 2: Side-to-Side two foot jumps

  • 3: Squats

  • 4: High Knees

  • 5: Ali Shuffle

3) Stance Drill:

One person times for 30 seconds and calls out directions while the other person does the drill (for example, sprawl, shoot, down block). Switch. Then repeat twice. Make sure to stay in your stance for the entire 30 seconds!

4) 50 ab exercises. Take turns choosing core exercises to complete. Continue until you and your partner have completed 50 reps each.

  • 10 Mountain Climbers

  • 10 Leg Raises

  • 10 Crunches

  • 10 V-Sits

  • 10 Sit Ups

5) Watch the same wrestling match. (You can find many on unitedworldwrestling.org under events). Talk about what you noticed each wrestler doing!