Partner workout

You Will Need:

  • A medicine ball, basketball or soccer ball

Warm Up: Jumping Jack contest! Who can get the most jumping jacks in 2 minutes?


*Each exercise is 30 seconds. The entire circuit is repeated 3 or 4 times!

  1. Side frog leaps: Partner 1 hops sideways over partner 2 and lies down. Then, partner 1 gets up and hops over partner 2! Continue for 30 seconds!

  2. Alternating lunges with a ball: Partners do lunges while facing each other. Toss the ball back and forth each time you come back up from your lunge! Continue for 30 seconds!

  3. High-5 Burpees: Do burpees while facing each other, but, every time you jump up you have to high-5 your partner in the air! Make sure you are in sync! Continue for 30 seconds.

  4. Partner squats: Hold hands while you squat! Use your partner to balance you! If you are up for a challenge, try one leg! Continue for 30 seconds.

Cool down: Assisted static stretches of your choice. Static stretches are stretches that are held for 45 seconds or longer. Help your partner out by GENTLY pushing them deeper into their stretches! Don’t forget to breathe!

*Bonus Activity!
Assisted handstands. How long can you hold a handstand? Get your partner to stabilize you by holding your legs. Or try it on a wall if you have the space!