
Play this game inside your house on a rainy day (if there's space), in your backyard, at the park, or anywhere with space and different spots where you can hide!

How To Play:

  1. Choose one person to be “it”. They will stand on one side of the room or field (whatever the location is), while the other players must hide.

  2. The person who is “it” will count to 10 while facing away from the area where everyone else is hiding.

  3. Those who are hiding must make sure they find a good spot because when the countdown is done, the person who is “it” turns around!

  4. When they turn around, if the "it" person sees any body parts or shirts of players or any other part of that person from the place they are standing, they are OUT!

  5. If the person who is “it” cannot see anyone else, they turn around and count to 10 again – everyone must find a NEW spot to hide.

  6. Repeat until most/all of the players are caught. Each player that gets out must complete 10 reps of an exercise (Jumping Jacks, Sit Ups, Push Ups, etc.).

Variation: Have no eliminations but still complete 10 reps of an exercise before getting back into the game!