(alphabetical order)

Gourab De, Julian Hecker, Steve Horvath, Nan Laird, Steve Lake, Christoph Lange, Sharon Lutz, Kristel Van Steen, Lin Wang, Wai-Ki Yip, Xin Xu, and Jin Jin Zhou



FBAT provides the software implementation for several family-based association tests. The FBAT package was developed in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

FBAT manual needs to be updated to describe the new region-based association methodology. Essentially, the new methodology is implemented in the command "gen_rv". The general structure is the same as for the old Burden test approach "fbat -v0" and "fbat -v1".

caution: The website https://sites.google.com/view/fbat-web-page is outdated and will be offline soon.

Boston, October 2023

If you publish results obtained from using FBAT, please cite: 

Please contact fbat.helpdesk@gmail.com for suggestions and bug reports.