Francesco Battistoni

                                 Post Doc in Number Theory

Hi everybody, and welcome to my website!


Starting from January 2024 I am a RTDA (3 year Researcher) at the Catholic Univeristy of Milan, where I joined the Department of Economics and Financial Mathematics.

Previously,  from October 2022 to Dicember 2023 I was temporary teaching assistant for courses at University of Milan, University of Milan-Bicocca and University of Bergamo.

I had a Post Doc at Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Besançon (France), where I worked with Prof. Christophe Delaunay and Prof. Hassan Oukhaba, and a Post Doc at University of Milan, working with Prof. Giuseppe Molteni and Prof. Marco Adamo Seveso.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Number Theory at Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) in January 2020. under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Molteni.

Tables of number fields

If you are looking for my tables of number fields with bounded discriminants and the corresponent PARI/GP programs, please visit my former Milan website  and my GitHub repository

Research Interests


Dipartimento di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche, Finanziarie ed Attuariali

Via Necchi 9, 20123 Milano, Italy

