We are building a chat application on Android. We are thinking of using HTTP REST API to send outbound messages. Wanted to know if it's a good approach or has any downsides compared to using WebSockets or XMPP (which seems to be more of a defacto standard for transferring chat messages)?

It depends. Do you consider your application to be "live chat"? Do you require a presence indicator, or typing indicator? Features such as those require continuous connection. But there's another set of chat applications that you'd describe as "in-app messaging" enabled. These applications store conversations and conversation lists on some sort of backend; just install the app on another device and log in, and you'll see your conversations on this type of app. These apps don't have any presence indicator, or feeling of liveness.

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I am trying to build an android chat application just for educational purpose. I would like to try implementing end-to-end encryption so that my messages are secure. I thought of using RSA as the encryption scheme (I'm new to the field of cryptography)

I am trying to pick a db for the chat part of my application and found that while most out there seem to use Cassandra, one of the most popular cases (Facebook) uses HBase. I am having trouble understanding how chat is modeled as a MapReduce job, as it seems much more suited to simple relational model (like 2 tables) or document collections/column store to me. I would also imagine chat favors availability over consistency (but then why Facebook). Any suggestions?

Hi, I upgraded several rocket chat servers from 6.2.8 to 6.3.1 and in that version there are crashes of the system, specially when creating a new user, and when trying to acces the user info. I got this screen

It seems common to include Kafka as a message broker, but I am trying to understand why we would want it. In my messaging application I don't foresee the server publishing anything towards the users. It will always be an end user on the clientside publishing something to a websocket endpoint, the server storing that information in the database and then delegating the message to the correct recipient(s), like so:

People think of kafka as a message broker, but it's also sort of a database that stores and retrieves messages in order, and tracks every consumer's place in that list. This is an extremely nice fit to store something like chat messages, especially if the websocket box on your diagram is actually multiple websockets on multiple machines, where the bottom putMessage arrow in that box goes through kafka as well.

The interviewer might not be very impressed by a chat application but could be blown away by a weather app for example. In which case it would be best to have a handful of applications that each serve a unique purpose and each one could show off different knowledge from your skillset.

Another thing to consider is the type of company you are applying for. Having an application on your portfolio that has relevance to the type of business that the company you are applying to deals in could be a major advantage over other candidates.

nothing fishy just shitty programming. i couldnt figure out how to update all open browsers when a message is sent so i just had the server constantly send the chat history. i just wanted to get it working be done with it.

This is really bad, not just fishy. You do not want to re-render not changing elements constantly, ever. This is even one of the things that resulted in the invention of React from what I understand. Right now you can not even select text in chat box to copy it because of this.

I am currently investigating into writing a real time chat application in Elixir/Phoenix. I have a few queries before I jump into choosing a particular technology. Please see and answer my below queries -

One of the great features of Phoenix is how easily it allows developers to include realtime functionality in applications. In this episode we'll use Channels to build a simple chat application in 8 minutes.

Based on the site instructions, I created a chat application, but when I send a message, only my message is displayed in the background.

How do I put a username next to a message to find out who sent the message?

Are you using a CloudDB or FirebaseDB or something else to build your chat app? What displays depends on your code; you did not share an image of your code. Could you share it so we can understand what you are trying to do.

On the same site, there was a tutorial on making a chat application.

blocks6231051 62.6 KB

This is a picture of my blocks.

Screenshot_-8001280 68.1 KB

This is a picture of my software on my tablet.

As you can see, the messages are from me and my friends, but they are not our names and we do not know who sent the message.

At the time of this writing, WhatsApp is one of the most popular chat apps on Android and iOS connecting more than a billion humans. This is a staggering number of people all using one app not just to talk but to share multimedia media as well.

Snapchat is really about capturing moments in real-time and it does this very well. Instead of sending away a text message about someone doing something, just whip out your phone and take a snap it says so much more than a text message could.

Viber is one of the most popular instant chat apps on the market but will likely always live inside the shadow of Skype and WhatsApp. That said, Viber (Rakuten) is not a small player in fact according to Statistica Viber Messenger has more than 1 billion registered users globally in 193 countries so the chances of people you know using this app are going to pretty good.

Example: One user is from US and other from China. They could use this app to chat among themselves in their own regional language. Whatever the Chinese person sends to US person get's translated to English and vice verse for Chinese.

Okay, let me get this straight. You have accounts in a tenant, licensed with a seeded PowerApps License from Office365 (where Teams is always included), as there is no other way to use this Power App. And instead of using the included Teams license to communicate in a very powerful way (with MS Teams and all its features) you want to develop an own limited chatting app to mimic the behaviour of Teams?

The "Default App" is just talking about the handler that opens when you click on a chat link. Right now the app which is the default is buried in ~Library/...../com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist. under the SIP entry and there is no GUI way to select which of the many "Chat" capable apps opens which I click a chat link.

A Chat link will look like this sip://user@domain.tld and if you type that into a text file and right click to "open URL" it will open whichever is the Default chat app on your installation.

I've never seen a chat link short of the options available in each individual service. I searched the web and didn't find any HTML or other protocol for some generic chat. Can you post a link to an example.

When all the chat was some form of IRC, I guess there was a need to pick an app, but everything you listed has its own messaging service. You can't open a Teams chat in Messages or vice versa. Since Microsoft owns both Teams and Skype, maybe there is some overlap there.

Most Operating systems will store the URI type and the application which handles that URI in their configuration, in this case com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist, so in that file you can see your browser, your email program and you messaging app listed. Some of those are able to be modified via a GUI, like browser and email, however it appears to me that chat (sip://) is not one of those currently.

would recommend PHP for HTML generation, users management and other ordinary tasks and NodeJS for the server side of chat itself (broadcasting messages between users in real time). It is much simplier to do many typical web things with PHP while NodeJS has a great power for real-time applications with web sockets

Gone are the days of SMS limit frustrations and painstaking international call charges. Welcome to 2024, a time when chat applications have redefined communication, transforming how we interact, share, and engage in conversations on a global scale.

If ubiquity is a measure of success, then WhatsApp sits comfortably on the throne. Simple, efficient, and incredibly user-friendly, this chat app has become a household name across the globe. Whether you love staying connected with a special someone, need to coordinate with a large group, or conduct business in regions where WhatsApp dominates, this app has got you covered.

Telegram may not ring as loud as WhatsApp in terms of global popularity, but with its 200 million users worldwide, it certainly deserves your attention. This ad-free, cost-free chat app makes its mark with exceptional features.

Boasting more than a billion users, WeChat is not just a messaging app, but a lifestyle choice for many, especially in China. Due to the blockage of several other popular chat apps in China, WeChat has emerged as a preeminent choice for those seeking to stay connected in the country. It is so robust that WeChat is seen as a potential competitor to giants like Mastercard, Visa, and American Express.

One of the giants in the chat app space, Facebook Messenger, takes full advantage of its parent social network's extensive user base. Its main strength lies in the fact that your contacts are likely to already have it installed, eliminating the need to persuade them to download another app.

Famed for its top-notch privacy, Signal is a versatile chat app available across Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. Highly praised by the likes of Edward Snowden, Jack Dorsey, and Bruce Schneier, this open-source app has amassed a dedicated following, a testament to its robustness and user-centricity. 0852c4b9a8

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